Monday, October 31, 2011

A Connection ~ Half Way Around the Globe

In my first post, I mention an 'Aussie Stranger' who prompted and inspired me to give this approach a chance.  I am happy to say, a stranger no more.  I went back to the original YouTube video to watch again and make sure I purchased the same books as she had shown.  I saw this link, that I had not noticed before, that said 'to email the author', or something to that extent.  So.... I did.  Not knowing if it would actually work, I emailed her to thank her and tell her that her message had indeed reached 1 person, ME. 

Tonight I received a reply to my message and am thrilled.  Missy has offered me her support and help through my adventure and am so relieved to have her guidance.   As she said, this is not always easy, in fact at times difficult, and I know that her support will be just the ticket.  In her video, she mentions that she is not a big fan of veggies and neither am I.  In fact, there is a family joke about if a food is green, Kelley won't eat it.  Just hoping I can find a combination that I like or even tolerate so that I will not stray off the path. 

Can't wait to receive the books I ordered and begin the educational process.  As a former teacher, I love to learn, but this read could be one of the most important of my life.  The most importance in the manner of impacting my life and health. 

In future posts, I will provide a better picture of what I hope to accomplish, the issues and illness I have and the impact they have had on my life.  The impact and changes that have occurred since developing these illness, both personally and professionally. 

This is going to be a long journey....with veggies in tow!  Now I have this image of boarding a plane with veggies as my carry on luggage!

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